Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everyone has such high expectations: cashmere throws, Jimmy Choo shoes

To blame: Sex And The City's Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, has raised everyone's expectations of shopping To blame: Sex And The City's Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, has raised everyone's expectations of shopping
I can't stand on Christmas shopping.

(or circular overheating, either you are behind cooked air conditioning freezing), or store your eyes by false branches, and put forward the dangerous veiled in London, laser Oxford street with your hand against your forehead here on earth to buy a relative's boyfriend, you may not like so much.

Christmas in city, and credit and greed, was so much simpler.

I can get my mom and dad tube Yardley talc and cleaner, some people have wicker basket body products cover in clingfilm (I'll throw in some bath oil marble; they are always purple for some reason).
I will get a stocking, perhaps the small, I Sindy a pair of socks.
Now, though, everyone has such high expectations: cashmere throws, Jimmy Choo shoes (proper ones, not ones from H&M), Wii things (aren't Wiis annoying?).

People don't sit down any more, Royle Family-like, but instead keep jabbing you with their elbows - and Gucci skis.

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