Friday, October 15, 2010

Jardin Majorelle is now owned by that arbiter of good taste, Yves Saint-Laurent

You haven't experienced marrakech until you've stuck in a traffic jam in the narrow streets of the city, LaoZhai medina ".
When I said, "I mean donkey cart - the transportation and creaky mopeds piles of vegetables, slung over and Turkey, horsedrawn carriage.
If you lose your way, you'll need to joint strength, the sailor Sinbad Aladdin in Baghdad and the thief to you out.
Things haven't changed much over the past several centuries in medina. Ok, ok, you can be in the net cafe nestling odd booths selling sheep's head sweet cakes.
But other medieval world, with its reservation of men and women in djellabas bag, it is straight into a Hollywood movie the Arabian nights.
In the core is the huge medina Djemaa el Fna, the most famous square in north Africa. My feet and musicians, actors, snake charmers, fortune-telling, acrobatics, jugglers and various weirdo.
The biggest advantage is the magic scene is, it is a real local tradition, rather than some of the theme park and the tourist attraction in.
It is true, however, is the biggest western tip up.
{3}In Morocco, practically everyone is after baksheesh. Men sidle up offering to be your guide through the maze of souks just north of the Djemaa el Fna.
Meanwhile, in the souk, the traders grab your arm and all but drag you into their shops to look at handpainted plates, embroidered slippers and leather pouffes.
When you've tired of the hassle, noise and dirt, there are peaceful gardens in which to relax. The Jardin Majorelle was created by the French painter Jacques Majorelle in the 1920s.
It was opened to the public in 1947, and is now owned by that arbiter of good taste, Yves Saint-Laurent.
The Majorelle Garden is lush with flowering plants and trees, and ponds blanketed with water lilies.
Artists studios now before the house islamic art museum. Wall paint color too dazzling cobalt by artists and once called Majorelle blue.
There is a small fee for Majorelle, but it costs nothing to taste in the garden Mamounia widely, Morocco's most famous hotel.
You can be in the olive, orange, grapefruit tree, but ignore the city wall outside madness.
In France were built in the 1920s, the period in Morocco, hotel for French colonies retain the original art deco style. Winston Churchill once said, "it is the most beautiful place on earth.
France's legacy established Morocco wine, liquor -- very considerable teetotal senior culinary Muslim,. However, if you only spend a large sum of money to go to a restaurant, it has become a Yacout.
Just like in the palace of Sudan, with its exotic Morocco adornment, through fountain, hot flame and traditional musicians fezes log.
A day-trip to Essaouria, on the Atlantic coast, we will be in the famous tree goats. They stood on the branches of trees, argan berries, such as Salvador Dali painting.
Essaouira is an attractive town with a lively marketplace and arcaded shopping street. The beach is also popular with windsurfers.
On another day, we visited the foothills of the Atlas Mountains to the south of Marrakech, hurling ourselves into the midst of a thronging outdoor market held by the local Berbers.
We lunched on lamb kebabs in a folksy restaurant. Entertainment was provided by two ungainly belly dancers who, I am willing to bet, were a pair of Berber shepherds in drag. Morocco - a land of mystery, indeed.

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