Friday, October 15, 2010

a £400 pair of Yves St Laurent shoes

As the individual customer walks into the bedroom, bin laden with famous denim - 6 of high quality jeans, exactly, about 200 million pounds -- she was optimistic sales. But what happened next will exceed the expectations of her violent.

Her customers, Helen McNallen, slipped into the first pair of admire her contour line and announced that she would take them. With five other, almost exactly the same, even if she didn't double - troubles to try all of them.

Helen had spent five minutes, 12 million pounds of luxury in danger before the signing a four-year period, she blew 40 million pounds, destroy her marriage and almost lost her home in this process.

The jeans event was a moment, defines my shopping addiction, now say, 41, Helen.
Helen Big spender: Helen McNallen and her £400 pair of unworn designer shoes
And the memory of it makes me sick. I how so greedy, so careless and my money, the money my husband, Duncan, I've worked so hard to earn?

"This is too terrible, began as a way to fill my work when I stop, crashed my marriage and drove me to the edge of the suicide," she said.

Today, Helen's work in the reconstruction of their life. She wears jeans - street that very day, she bought expensive ten bag design clothes. She recently underwent a local charity shops.

Her determination never to her again. Tendency, "women are shopping addiction joking, but to me it become serious impulse, I like drug addiction," she said.

So where is wrong, what is the point of life, Helen, she lost control of the expenses?

Just ten years ago, she is a very successful traders, 7 million pounds bonuses, salary doubled regularly every year.

Her husband, Duncan, now she has 50 years old, married for eight years, is a successful action and stunt coordinator of the movie industry, they have an idyllic life, share a lovely house, in Petersfield, and owns a house in London.

However, as the only woman's life in the trade lobby start working after cost, diagnosed exhaustion in 2000, Helen agreed to sign the sick by her doctor, but she consider his future.

Used to work 12 hours in the day, Helen suddenly found themselves feel bored, waver.
But she found a way to fill her empty days  -  shopping. What started off as time-filling exercise quickly escalated into an obsessive habit which would eventually lead her and her loyal husband to the edge of financial ruin.
She explains: 'My job had always boosted my self-esteem so now I tried to make myself feel important by buying all these things  -  expensive clothes, accessories and make-up.
Helen McNallen Depressed: City worker Helen's astronomical spending began after she was signed off work with exhaustion
'In fact, I was already spiralling into depression and using spending as a crutch and a temporary ego boost.
'It was like a drug  -  and each time I did it I needed to spend more. I would walk into Harrods or Harvey Nichols and spend £4,000 without even thinking about it.
'I'd just grab clothes, shoes and bags and buy them, without considering the cost, or whether I even liked them.
'And whatever I bought had to have a label  -  a badge to show how expensive it was. My favourite designers were Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Matthew Williamson, Marc Jacobs and Iceberg.
'I loved shoes and over those four years I bought more than 100 pairs  -  all designer. I'd buy four pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes in one go, at £400 each.
'One day I splashed out on a £400 pair of Yves St Laurent shoes with three-inch high Perspex heels and red lips on the front. I've never worn them and I never will, because they are totally ludicrous  -  and I'm 6ft tall anyway.

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