Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Obama women give inauguration ensembles modern twist

Michelle Obama wear good clothes today know all the line she picked up now she became the first lady would check forensically significance. Her choices is one thing and coat in Switzerland wool lace, standing in France silk, designed a fashion designer Cuban - as Toledo Isabel, by a group of Chinese, Poland and Spanish in Toledo see seamstresses is New York studio. As these photos were spread around the world, the color is by many critics as gold, the regal connotation of color. The New York times, however, its judgment is more subtle and sophisticated shade of lemon grass. Toledo yourself, know only confirmed she attire made cutting when she saw it on CNN today, called it "the optimistic" colour, "sunshine".The bold choices that characterised her campaign wardrobe made Michelle Obama a fashion icon even before the election. Today was her first attempt to blend her own, very modern image with the venerated position of first lady. Stung, perhaps, by the lukewarm reception to the daring black-and-red dress she wore on election night (one wit described that as "an apron designed by Mark Rothko") she seemed to lean a little too heavily on recent precedent today. In her richly textured lace, and abiding by a now old-fashioned convention of a matching dress and coat, Obama appeared to be "channelling" the stately look favoured by Barbara and Laura Bush on state occasions, rather than the sleek, pared down image of Jackie Kennedy, to whom she has often been compared. What lifted the outfit were the accessories: sleek leather gloves (which she used to hold the Bible during her husband's swearing in) and Jimmy Choo pumps in a smartly offbeat shade of olive.

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