Thursday, November 25, 2010

Abercrombie's gains were boosted by gift-card redemptions

Retailers will reach the January sales reports, reverse the declines, Wall Street suffered in the deep crisis a year ago.
The luxurious new demand to promote the rebound, nordstrom marcus and external (, because consumer posted a substantial benefit expensive shoes and handbags.
Overall, big chain have 3 - percent gain in same - store sales, or sales in stores opened at least a year, according to the international council of shopping centers.
Macy's and gap also big winners, with 3.4% increase sales and 5 percent, respectively. It raised their fourth-quarter profit prospects, as well-controlled inventory increase profits.
However, January profits of 3.6 per cent increase did not reach appear in December, and didn't make up decline year-earlier 4.6%.
Insecure jobs markets continue to keep shoppers free expenditure, because unemployment remains hovering 10 percent.
"Resume should continue in an uneven path as shoppers say:" slowly recovering spending, senior economist frank Badillo consultant retail forward.
The tough jobs markets seem to hit some discount, objectives and Costco posted tepid gains. Wal-mart, the world's largest retailer, no longer report monthly sales.
Teen retailers together reported a 10-percent increase -- their strongest monthly gain in more than a year, according to Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners. The increase was driven by an 8-percent rise at Abercrombie & Fitch, the struggling chain's first monthly gain since April 2008.
Abercrombie's gains were boosted by gift-card redemptions, which likely goosed sales by 10 to 12 percentage points, said Credit Suisse analyst Paul Lejuez.
Abercrombie's "ability to drive sales with its clearance events is a sign of life from a US business that many feared was dead," Lejuez said.

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