I hope this cruel of the world economy, automobile manufacturers don't forget how important it is to intensify innovation, handbags, replicas of the true religion jeans, regardless of in the product to the market and the concept of the program. It is all too easy to cut of these programs also no specific interested, but it can often be in, badly damaged the brand in the long-term development.
That’s why I love to read stories like this one from Audi. They recently produced a lightweight prototype of their A5 Coupe, which uses advances in technology to shave off a whopping 607 lbs from the weight of the production vehicle.
That’s why I love to read stories like this one from Audi. They recently produced a lightweight prototype of their A5 Coupe, which uses advances in technology to shave off a whopping 607 lbs from the weight of the production vehicle.
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